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Checklist ! Your first competition!

Posted by James Tighe on
A focused Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu athlete wearing white Progress Jiu-Jitsu gi and headphones, preparing for competition.

With Jiu Jitsu competition already back in the USA, Brazil, and other parts of the world, Europe is yet to see some consistent competitions return. However, with the vaccine rollout, it seems we will soon see competitions back in Europe, and in the UK, many local competitions have already posted dates for potential events.

Many Jiujiteiros will be looking to compete as soon as possible, whether you're a newish white belt wanting to compete or someone who has trained for a while but never dipped your toe into competing.

We at Progress HQ thought we'd get a little checklist together to help you prepare for your first competition.

1. Choose the Correct Competition

As a first competition, your best bet is always a local competition that isn't too far from you. Try to limit as much stress on yourself as possible—you don't want to be travelling far on competition day. Competing is stressful enough!

2. Prepare Properly

When you enter a competition, you're not just entering for the 'experience'—everyone who enters always does so with an eye on winning, no matter how much you say it's for the 'experience'. Because of this, you always want to add in some extra competition rounds or extra training in the gym to supplement your Jiu Jitsu. Maybe adjust your diet to make it a lot healthier so you're better fueled. You might also consider getting some private sessions with your coach or higher-grade teammates to fine-tune your competition game.

3. A Lightweight Gi

Since you might be trying to stay within a weight limit or dieting to make a specific weight, you might want to consider a lightweight Gi to wear. Progress JJ's Movement kimono is one of the lightest on the market and will help alleviate the stress of making weight. Every gram counts!

4. Snacks and Food

Bring plenty of water. Your matches will drain you, especially if you have multiple matches. You want to make sure you have enough water in your gym bag to avoid dehydration. Also, pack light snacks to eat before your matches if you are on weight.

5. Don’t Forget Your Belt!

If you need a new belt for a competition because yours is a little damaged and wouldn't pass quality checks, we know where to get one from!

6. Protect Your Feet

One of my pet peeves at competition is seeing people walk around the venue barefoot, and even worse, walk into the bathroom without footwear. Luckily, Bearfoot JJ has slides that you can wear at your competition! Help keep yourself and other competitors safe from infections.

7. Most Importantly, Have Fun!

Don't forget to enjoy the experience and learn from it, regardless of the outcome!

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