Chat with Rising Black Belt Star Jed Hue
Posted by James Tighe on
Jed was kind enough to take a few moments and answer some questions regarding his training, experiences and lifestyle in the lead up to his match against Kody Steele at Polaris. Big congrats to Jed on the big victory! Can’t wait to see what is next.
Who is Jed Hue?
I’m living and teaching at Elite Jiu Jitsu out of Lee, South East London. My hobbies at the moment are just gaming and watching movies when I’m not training
How long have you been training? Where do you train now?
I started training back in 2013 when I was 16 and I train at my own academy at Elite Jiu Jitsu
Major challenges you have overcome in your journey?
Biggest challenge I’ve overcome was probably getting my arm broken at the Europeans when I was a blue belt and had to take offf nearly 2 and a half years from training. I’d say always consistently losing in competition when I first started competing, that was really hard for me. I was determined to win and eventually I did start to win
What's a typical training day like? What goes on in your usual sessions?
My whole day is Jiu Jitsu focused, I’m up early every day to lift in the morning followed by teaching and training at the lunch class. I have a little break then come back and teach/train again in the evening. We do drills but, I mostly focus on sparring as I believe that is what makes you better at Jiu Jitsu. Going live and trying to use your moves against a resisting opponent who’s not going to let you do your moves.
What’s your diet like? Favorite post victory meal?
My diet is pretty clean for the most part because I need that for my body to recover from all my training. I do love a take away haha and my favorite post fight meal has to be McDonald’s
Most memorable victory? Toughest match?
I don’t have a most memorable victory really but, a most memorable moment in a tournament was when I won the Polaris contenders and got a chance to fight on Polaris. One of my toughest matches has to be against Roberto Jimenez it was a great 5min match and I look forward to running it back!
One piece of advice you would give to white belt Jed?
A piece of advice I would give to white belt Jed is to TAP! Don’t have an ego and get yourself hurt and put to sleep (I’ve been choked out 8 times) so yeah I’d just say tap and don’t be afraid of losing its part of the learning process
Who has had the biggest impact on your Jiu Jitsu style?
My coach Ross Nicholls has had the biggest impact on my style of Jiu Jitsu because when I first started training with him he was destroying everyone. I decided to start copying him and based my style around his. Now it’s become my own style with twists to it and added a few of my own things to make it my own style.
Matchup you are looking forward to?
I got a huge match against Kody Steele on Polaris October 9th so that’s definitely a match I’m really looking forward to!
Favorite athlete to watch compete?
My favorite athlete to watch compete has to be both Craig Jones and Garry Tonnon just because of how aggressive they are and they relentlessly attack and won’t stop till they get the submission which is what I believe Jiu Jitsu is really about
Anything you would like the Jiu Jitsu community to know about?
That I’m not actually that bad of a guy I seem like I’m this like cocky bad boy. In reality I’m not like that, I just have this confidence in myself that I’m the best and I can’t be beaten (I do know I’m not the best but you have to believe in yourself!). I’m just like any other high level athlete, I just want to win and be the best in my field!
Hope you enjoyed reading about Jed and his career!
-Team Progress Jiu Jitsu